

  • pin_drop Garrucha
  • restaurant Serves Food
  • music_note Live Music


A lounge bar and restaurant overlooking the sea and port of Garrucha. (P.º del Malecon, 17, 04630 Garrucha)

Foods on offer

  • Desserts
  • Dinner
  • Fish
  • Ice cream
  • Salads
  • Seafood
  • Spanish

Photos taken here

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Pasta Salad - July 2024

Pasta Salad - July 2024

Peter Jones

Fried assorted fish - July 2024

Fried assorted fish - July 2024

Peter Jones

Pan de calavara - July 2024

Pan de calavara - July 2024

Peter Jones

Seafood pate - July 2024

Seafood pate - July 2024

Peter Jones

Albondigas - July 2024

Albondigas - July 2024

Peter Jones

Vienetta - July 2024

Vienetta - July 2024

Peter Jones