

  • pin_drop Vera Playa
  • restaurant Serves Food
  • music_note Live Music
  • liquor Great Cocktails


A Beach club with many facilities, A restaurant, snack bar, pools and more. Maraú, also hosts Live Music and features many Spanish and English Bands. - - Av. Descubrimiento, S/N, 04621 Vera Playa.

Foods on offer

  • Pizza/Pasta
  • Spanish
  • Seafood
  • British
  • Steaks
  • Salads
  • Dinner
  • Desserts
  • Tapas
  • Cocktails
  • Burgers

Live Music Here

Photos taken here

Got your own photos of Maraú? This directory is a community effort - share your photos in our Facebook Group for a chance of having it featured here!

Menu del dia, September 2022

Menu del dia, September 2022

Andy funnel

Menu del dia, September 2022

Menu del dia, September 2022

Andy Funnell

Menu del dia, September 2022

Menu del dia, September 2022

Andy Funnell

Menu del dia, September 2022

Menu del dia, September 2022

Andy Funnell

View from inside Maraú, (taken September 2022)

View from inside Maraú, (taken September 2022)

Andy Funnell

From MONDAY TO FRIDAY, during LUNCH TIME and for only €13.90, starter, main and dessert. (Drinks not included). - (Posted September 2022)

From MONDAY TO FRIDAY, during LUNCH TIME and for only €13.90, starter, main and dessert. (Drinks not included). - (Posted September 2022)